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They inhabit dry and wet habitats; but prefer open landscapes, such as extensive marshy areas, low moors, rifts, bogs--along the shores of lakes, ponds, and grasslands; near water. Their life span is about, 22 years, and, they are usually found in pairs. The birds have been observed in small flocks of 3 to 20 individuals; with a few observations of 51 to 150 individuals. The males are slightly taller than the females, and they weigh about 6 to 8 lbs and are between 3 to 4 ft tall. The crane's long legs and excellent peripheral vision help them spot predators in the tall savanna grasses. They fly with the neck extended forward, and their legs stretched horizontally behind their tail.

With all the goings on in our world today, it’s easy to get so focused on world events, and lose sight of the need to just breath, and take some time out to appreciate and behold the beauty of creation, which features the most amazing creatures, and we humans get to share the earth with.
Beautiful, elegant and majestic, is how you would describe the East African Crane.  Found in southeastern Africa, including Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique, and are the national birds for Uganda. These birds are slate gray in color, with a large striking straw-yellow bristle like feather crown covering their heads. Their primary and secondary feathers are dark gray to black with chestnut markings, and their cheek patches are bare with white on the bottom, with a small red patch on the top.
While not currently listed as a protected species, its populations are still vulnerable. The principle threat these Cranes face is the loss transformation and degradation of its habitat. Many swamps and marshes where the Cranes nest are being drained for agriculture. Stronger national wetland protection and large-scale land development assessment will help preserve the Crane’s habitat.
In the wild, they feed on plants, worms, insects, frogs, crab and lizards. Crowned Cranes are the only cranes that roost in trees. They can breed all year round, and all their chicks hatch at the same time. Two to three glossy, dirty-white eggs are laid, and both parents take turns incubating them for 30 days. Chicks can run as soon as they hatch, and can fly within ten weeks. Both parents feed the chicks until they leave the nest.
What makes the East African Crane so magnificent is the spectacular courtship dance; performed by the adults. The dance consists of head-bobbing, leaps, bowing, jumping, flapping their wings, and swinging circles around each other. A successful pair of mated Cranes will support the family structure for about a year. After that, the young birds often form their own flocks and spend much of their time feeding in fields.
The East African Crane is a bird in the Crane Family Gruidae
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One the World's Most Majestic, Fascinating and Beautiful Birds:The East African Crane
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