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If we look at what it means to understand, or be understanding. We’ll find there are different levels of understanding, that range from personal understanding (personal comprehension or interpretation) to a superior level of discernment (enlightened intelligence).
We are everyday people and don’t normally take the time to consciously examine the concept of  “understanding”, and what it really means. We automatically assume we naturally understand the concept of “understanding”, and are intellectually capable of articulating the facts of most situations that we happen to encounter in our daily living and interaction with the variations of our worlds environment.
Mutual agreements and settling differences are ways we demonstrate our ability to understand. We demonstrate by negotiating and considering all aspects of a situation in order to come to an agreement that’s suitable for all parties involved. This level of understanding can make for a more pleasant environment and allow the parties to move forward in accomplishing goals, plans and dreams--hopefully enabling the happiness that most of us truly desire in our lives.
The mental process of a person who comprehends something is usually the case where one person’s personal interpretation of something may not agree with another person’s interpretation about the same matter. It doesn’t have to mean that one person’s interpretation is correct and the other person’s isn’t. They could both be correct, or one person’s interpretation could be correct, and the other is incorrect. God gave us the ability to think, articulate intellectually on many different levels, and to be able to use our intellect to enlighten each other.
Being knowledgeable, and having a great deal of understanding about a particular skill, or a profession, allows the understanding to manifest as enlightenment, and sometimes great discernment.
The greatest level of understanding occurs when people are able to understand each other from the heart on a personal and compassionate level.  When we can understand the feelings, needs and even the undesirable actions of others. When we can love in difficult situations, and go beyond ourselves for the benefit of others, when it's called for, shows a level of understanding that grows and allows the best that's within us to come forth.
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Understanding....What is It?

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